Design Peer Review
An independent Design Peer Review is one of the most essential steps in the overall design and construction process. We have a proven track record of providing dependable and sensible recommendations on exterior envelope design and detailing to architects, engineers, owners, and contractors alike. As project team members, we meet with clients to determine their specific needs on a project and tailor our comments on the exterior envelope to follow not only industry standards and best practices but also our clients’ particular construction needs and desires.

The Design Peer Review typically takes place in two phases designed to work together to alert the client to specific building enclosure issues. It helps eliminate costly mistakes on the front end. The first phase ensures the documents have enough detail and clarity to allow field personnel to build the project.

In the second phase, we dive into the details and provide sketches and recommendations on layering, sequencing, and selection of materials to ensure the project performs to the standards set forth by our clients. Our Design Peer Review report offers a complete evaluation of the specifications and details. We meet with clients and designers to discuss and review all results. Context, Consistency, and Clarity are how we strive to achieve our strategy of providing a sensible approach to building enclosure solutions. Let us apply these principles to a design review of your project today.