Building Enclosure Testing
The quality of construction can vary significantly from one job to another. One of the best ways to ensure the actual performance capability of the building enclosure components is through combined inspections and performing industry-standardized testing.

At BECI, we provide various standardized field-testing protocols to ensure compliance with the applicable codes and contract documents. We own and maintain an assortment of testing and evaluation equipment to assist in identifying various building component issues and failures and even verify the existence of certain overt conditions.

When you hire our team, you aren’t getting a pass/fail testing lab but a partner in construction who can diagnose issues that may present themselves through field testing. Whether you are building a new, state-of-the-art high-rise, renovating a historic building, or trying to diagnose a leak in an existing property, our systematic and common-sense approach to building enclosure consulting assists you in completing your project.
Listed below are just some of the industry standard tests that we offer:
• ASTM E1105 (Water Infiltration Testing)
• ASTM E783 (Air Infiltration Testing)
• AAMA 501.2 (Water Nozzle Testing)
• ASTM E1186 (Air Leakage Through Air Barrier Testing)
• FMG 1-52 (Roof Uplift Testing)
• ASTM D7877-14 (Electronic Field Vector Mapping, EFVM)
• ASTM 4541 (Pull-Off Strength of Coatings)
• ASTM C1521 (Evaluating Adhesion of Installed Sealants)
• ASTM C1046 (Infrared Testing)
• ASTM 2128 (Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls)