Florida Condo Association Laws

1) Phase I Milestone Inspection

If a condominium building is three or more stories in height, a Phase I Milestone Inspection is required and must be performed by a Florida-licensed architect or engineer.

The inspection must be completed by December 31 of the year the building is 30 years old from when the Certificate of Occupancy (“CO”) was issued. If a building’s certificate of occupancy was issued on or before July 1, 1992, the building’s 1st milestone inspection must be performed before December 31, 2024.

The licensed architect or engineer must provide the report to the Association AND the local building official.


  • This inspection must be completed by December 31, 2024
  • If you receive notice from the County stating that your building must complete a Phase I Milestone Inspection, you have 180 days to complete it. The Phase I inspection can be completed and the report issued before receiving a notice or the 30-year threshold.
  • At BECI, we recommend completing any obvious maintenance items (i.e., spalled concrete, exposed rebar, severe cracking in stucco, etc.) before completing a Phase I Milestone Inspection. Imagine going to a restaurant and viewing the posted health inspector’s grade. You want your building to be in as good of condition as possible before the Milestone Inspection  

    It is our goal for the building being inspected to pass Phase I. We can perform a condition survey beforehand to identify any possible structural issues and recommend repairs. However, additional testing may be required if the engineer or architect identifies anomalies classified as substantial structural deterioration.

    The engineer or architect may determine that a Phase II Milestone Inspection is required. Suppose the engineer or architect makes that determination. In that case, the Association MUST perform the Phase II Milestone Inspection, which can include selective demolition (i.e., exterior wall cores, interior drywall cores, etc.) to determine the condition of the structural components. Therefore, it is recommended that the Association makes repairs to the building before performing the Phase I Milestone Inspection.


2) Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS)

Associations existing on or before July 1, 2022, must have a Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) for each building three or more stories in height. A Florida-licensed architect or engineer must sign and seal the SIRS. Additionally, Senate Bill 154 adds that any budget adopted on or after December 31, 2024, must include the funding specified in the SIRS and that items with a remaining life of more than 25 years do not need to be funded.

This study must be completed by December 31, 2024

Our team at BECI has the staff, experience, and ability to complete these service for your association to comply with the Florida condo association laws. Please contact us to learn more or schedule a survey.